Article 1.) General information and organizer
The Videograndprix and the Jugendfilmtag Liechtenstein, are part of the international video festival of non-commercial film, which takes place once a year in Liechtenstein. The date of the
festival is not exactly fixed and will be announced on the website of the FVCL and on Facebook (
Eligible are all national and international film authors/filmmakers who produce non-commercial films as well as professional filmmakers for whose films there is a special category.
The other categories are reserved exclusively for non-professional films (see point 2).
The organizer of this festival is the Film- und Videoclub Liechtenstein, hereinafter referred to as "FVCL" for the sake of simplicity. There is no legal claim to participation in the
Article 1.a) Films
Article 2.) Jury and Competition - Categories
The prizes are awarded by a jury for special achievements:
In the categories Documentation and Feature Film, one spade, the "Golden Spade" one in silver and one in bronze will be
awarded. The jury decides on special prizes.
The Videograndprix also offers a platform for film schools, universities and professional filmmakers. Films from these participants automatically belong to the "Professional Film" category. (Nominations in other categories and for special prices are not possible.)
Article 3.) Prerequisites for the category Youth Film
The Youth Film category is intended to promote young people and young talent and is a particularly valuable part of the Liechtenstein Video Grand Prix.
The FVCL offers young authors up to 21 years of age the opportunity to present their cinematically implemented ideas, which are judged by the jury according to their own guidelines. A recognition
prize for young people is provided for this purpose.
The films have to be produced by the young authors themselves, such as idea, realisation and editing. However, this group of persons is allowed to act as consultants and performers. Students from
film and media universities are excluded from youth film and can only be entered in the category "professional film".
The age restriction is without exception a binding prerequisite for participation in the youth competition.
All other provisions of these conditions of participation also apply to participation in the youth film.
Article 3a) Prerequisites & Fees
By submitting the registration form for participation in the Liechtenstein Video Grand Prix, the author declares that he has provided truthful information on the registration form. The submitted
films will be nominated by a preliminary jury for the competition and included in the programme.
The participation fee for submitted films is CHF 25,-- or EUR 25,-- and is fixed annually by the association. The entry fee must be credited to the association's account by the closing date for
entries (the date on which the entry fee is credited to the association's account is decisive).
Cash as a supplement in the film programme is possible, but NOT recommended. The sender is exclusively and fundamentally liable for the loss of cash in postal, freight and courier items.
Agreements to the contrary are excluded and shall be deemed not to have been made.
A refund of the participation fee is excluded in case of non-nomination or rejection of the film for other reasons.
Article 4.) Prerogatives
By submitting the film for the competition, the creator confirms that he/she is in possession of all rights to the registered work.
The registered person and the creator of the registered film release the organizer (FVCL) legally from any liability towards third parties and the consequences of possible copyright and/or
exploitation rights violations.
Article 4a) Right of ownership and right of use of the data carriers provided
The data carriers with the competition entries submitted to the Videograndprix or the Jugendfilmtage will become the unrestricted property of the FVCL.
Disclosure to third parties or reproduction (with the exception of the uses described in Articles 4b to 4b2) shall not take place without a separate written agreement with the rights
Article 4b.) Right of use of the FVCL to the films
submitted for the competition
The author agrees that his films may be copied to FVCL hard disks for optimal presentation at the event. These copies will not be forwarded.
Furthermore, the author agrees that excerpts from his work may be used for an advertising trailer of the festival, even if the film has not been nominated. The use of the advertising trailer for
the festival is unlimited in space and time and applies to all platforms and media including the Internet.
Symbolic images from the films may be taken and published for advertising purposes of the festival.
By registering to take part in the competition, the rights holder transfers the following
Rights of use to the FVCL:
Article 4b1.)
Free, public broadcast in the broadcasting areas described in more detail below.
The regions are: Liechtenstein, Vorarlberg and Eastern Switzerland.
The right of publication does not extend to national television, cable or satellite stations.
Article 4b2.)
When registering, they are explicitly asked for their permission to show their contribution at the "Kluser Kurzfilmnacht" in Klaus/Vorarlberg/Austria in the following year at the earliest,
regardless of whether they have been nominated for the competition. If you give your consent, we will pass on your contribution for this purpose.
In close cooperation with the Klaus film scene, the FVCL represents a representative platform for non-commercial film in the region, with the aim of showing films worth seeing to a broad
audience. This event is not a competition, has no commercial interests and free entry for the public.
The event is supported by the "Filmszene Klaus" association, which accepts no liability whatsoever for infringements of rights resulting from the public screening of the films shown. A passing on
to third parties is excluded.
Article 5.) Film length and content
(This additional article has been edited and supplemented and will apply from 2016)
The films may NOT be longer than 25 minutes including opening and closing credits. Longer contributions cannot be considered for organizational reasons and must be
Inconsistencies in the information, discriminatory or ethically questionable contents, or propaganda can be decided by the preliminary jury, jury or the organizer in individual cases about the
admission, presentation or evaluation, without a legal claim can be derived from it. There is no right of appeal against the decision.
Article 6.) Data medium
Only data carriers with the following specifications can participate in the competition:
Films in 4K or video formats not listed below cannot be accepted for technical reasons. These must be encoded by the author in one of the formats listed below.
a) USB stick (1080p, 1080i, 720p) - MP4 - m2t - mpg - mov,
b) SD Card. (1080p, 1080i, 720p) - MP4 - m2t - mpg - mov,
c) direct upload via transfer server is possible. Please send the corresponding link immediately and directly to - wolfgang.tschallener(at)
Mp4, MPG2, Mov; M2T. Aspect Ratio Pal: 1080P (25 or 50P), 720P (25 or 50P),
1920x1080i, DV 720x576 16:9
The submitted films will be copied to a hard disk of the club for presentation.
The information must contain: Title, film length, year of origin, author, country, category, (for youth films, the year of birth) and sound (stereo, mono or dual sound).
Only the competitor is responsible for the technical condition (operability of the data carriers).
The films must have a lead time of 5 seconds (black) on the data carriers supplied and must be clearly visible in the file name.
The data carriers made available to the FVCL, such as: BR, SD card, USB stick or DVD must be clearly and unmistakably marked (with a connected label or tag).
Article 7.) Closing date
Registered films must be available to the organizer FVCL no later than 3 working days after the deadline specified on the websites of the FVCL (
Article 8.) Nominations and Awards Ceremony
An internal preliminary jury examines and nominates the films submitted to the VGP, which will be shown to the public. The winners will be decided by the international jury in a private
The jury's decision cannot be contested. No comments of the jury and preliminary jury for their decisions will be announced in writing.
At the award ceremony, the festival jury will state its reasons for awarding the prize orally. Nominated films will be publicly screened on the day of the festival and copied to a dedicated hard
The nominees will be informed in time by the organizer, the FVCL, and made available in a printed program flyer for the event and published digitally on this HP and on Facebook.
The winner of the "Golden Spade" will be announced in the following award ceremony.
Article 9.) Final provision (severability clause)
Should individual provisions of these Conditions of Participation be or become invalid or impracticable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Conditions of
Participation. The invalid or impracticable formulation shall be replaced by a valid and practicable provision whose effects come closest to the objective pursued by the organizer (FVCL) with the
impracticable formulation.
In case of doubt, the German text of these conditions of participation always applies.